Thursday 3 June 2021

Alaska 2021 - May 22-May 23


Alaska 2021 – May 22-23

    We decided to move to another bay south on Prince of Wales Island named Niblack.  We are now about 26 miles North of Cape Chacon which is the southeast point of Prince of Wales Island and Alaska. Cape Chacon is only about 3 miles from the Canadian border. 

    We put out crab pots and shrimp pots but it was not a good area for either. We did have a great shrimp dinner from out catch at Paul Bight and there will be more places to try when we move later today.

    We went for a walking tour of a mining camp in Niblack bay It is being mined by the Niblack mining corporation and appears to be an active large operation.


This appears to be used for housing for the workers but there are no people here now.








There are palates of core drilling samples like the one in Steve’s hand. They dated from 2008 to 2019.





    We left Niblack for Manefee Anchorage which is closer to the Cape of Chacon. We will go around either tomorrow or Tuesday as bad weather is predicted for Wednesday. This is a beautiful spot to anchor – here is the view from the front of the boat.


 We were able to find some cell coverage on the way here so once we got the boats anchored Steve, Glen and I went out in Nellie to get the last of the email downloads and messages as once we go around Cape Chacon we will probably not have any coverage.  We took a selfie to show everyone at home what we do to get coverage!

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