Wednesday 9 June 2021

Alaska 2021 -June 1 - June 4


June 1 – June 4


We woke to cold and overcast on June 1 but it is not raining right now which is a nice break although it is expected to rain for most of this week. When the weather allows, we always try to head ashore to take a walk and look around and we often go touring all the bays around in Glen’s Jetboat or our Grady. That is what we did today – we headed to CoCo Harbor.  The tugboat left sometime last night but we decided to stay anchored in Windy Bay as it was quite a comfortable anchorage.

At the end of CoCo Harbor was the site of a major logging operation so we took the opportunity to walk along the old logging roads (roads is a generous word as they are being reclaimed by the forest).







 The picture of the boats is from our Anchorage in Windy Bay. The Shrimp were caught in CoCo Harbor – all three of us had out Shrimp pots and we all caught about the same amount of Shrimp – not as many as in the past trips but enough for a group dinner!



We woke up to more rain on June 2 and headed to Fishhook Bay by Hydaburg. There is internet available for Glen and Liz (they bought an AT & T phone in Ketchikan and their T Mobile work here also) but the rest of us have Verizon which does not work at all out here so we all took the opportunity to get caught up with home and email using Glen and Liz’s service. We called the town and found out that they are closed to outsiders so all we could do is drive by for a look since we could not go ashore.



This boat was on Sukkwan Island across from Hydaburg – it has seen better days!

We stayed an extra day to catch up on internet and phone calls since it was raining and we spent time talking about our schedule.  We were planning on going to Skagway this trip but due to Covid many areas are very limited so our Train trip on the White Pass and Yukon Railroad that we had scheduled was cancelled.  We made the decision to not go to Skagway this trip which we were all looking forward to seeing. Just means we will have to come to Alaska again!

This was our anchorage off of Fishhook Island.  Tomorrow we head to Soda Bay which is only about a 10 mile cruise from Fishhook. We are slowly heading towards Craig where we will be around June 15th.


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