Thursday 3 June 2021

Alaska 2021- May 24


Alaska 2021 – May 24, 2021

We left Menehee anchorage this morning with the thought of going closer to Cape Chacon with the intention of crossing tomorrow but the water was great, the sun was out and we decided it made sense to go ahead and go around Cape Chacon today. It was a great decision as it was a beautiful ride and we are currently anchored in Nichols Bay about half way down the inlet.


We saw a National Geographic Ship named the Orion pass by – it is the first large ship we have seen and we are curious to look it up to see what it is doing in Alaska this year.     


Rounding the Cape was calm and beautiful today.


Here is the drive in to Nichols Bay which is beautiful. We even got to see another whale at the entrance.


After we parked the boats we went out in Glen’s jetboat to look around the area, explore the beach on the ocean side and also go take Selfies of our group at Cape Chacon. Jane and Dave at Cape Chacon and the group!



On the way back to our boats we had another bear sighting. They are everywhere!

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