Thursday 3 June 2021

May 29 - May 30


Alaska 2021- May 29 – May 30


We left Kassa Inlet this morning and changed our destination to Ham Bay since it is blowing pretty strong today and it was more of a straight shot across past Long Island to Dall Island.  A lumpy windy ride but the anchorage is great.  We had gusts to 40 on the crossing so glad we are tucked into a bay that provides the correct anchorage for a predicted Southeast Wind 35-40 thru tomorrow night. Dave and Jane were bouncing around in front of us on the trip over.

We woke up to rainy windy weather on the 30th but decided to bundle up in rain gear and go over to Howkan on Long Island which was once one of the largest Haida Villages. What we think we found was more evidence of missionaries who lived in the area based on the names on the many gravestones we found in the woods. There were also many metal parts to things like stoves and tools.

We looked for remnants of an old totem pole but it must have been reclaimed by the woods.

As we were leaving Long Island we saw many otters – No crabbing for us! According to some caretakers who were just North of Mission Bay the sea otters moved in about 5 -6 years ago which is why there are no crab here.  We found hundreds of them in the kelp beds.

We went back to our boats and played another round of couple’s cribbage before having spaghetti dinner made by Dave and Jane on the Nelsea. We followed up by our normal movie night on Glen and Liz’s boat. Another wonderful day exploring parts of Alaska.

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