Thursday 3 June 2021

Alaska 2021 - May 25 - 26


Alaska 2021 – May 25 – May 26, 2021

We left Nichols Bay this morning expecting to go to Dall Island and Pond Bay but the weather had other plans for us.  When we got out of Nichols Bay there was a lot more wind and wave action than we thought there would be based on the weather forecast that we listened to before we left.  It was going to be a very lumpy ride so the decision was made to go to thru the Barrier Island to tuck out of the waves and we stopped at Tah Island for the night.  We woke up to very cold, wet weather so we decided to stay put and spend the day catching up on boat tasks.  Steve and Glen took Nellie out to see if there were any areas for crabbing but unfortunately as cute as they are we are sharing the bay with many Sea Otters so no crab for us!

     We had Taco Tuesday on the Nelsea and played Phase Ten on the Flybridge of Nelsea since it stays nice and toasty there.

   On the ride over from Nichols Bay we saw Seals, Eagles and some beautiful scenery again.

The pictures never show how crappy the water is but I had to go down to the front v berth during the ride and the port windows looked like watching a Wash Machine with water swirling around them.  Next time I will get a picture of them.

Wednesday was a very cold wet day so we waited until the afternoon then took a cruise up in Glen’s jet boat to several inlets including Hunter Bay. We had several Bears to photograph on the trip.

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