Monday 28 June 2021

Alaska 2021 - June 19 - June 24


Alaska 2021 – June 19 – 23

Steve and I just got back from home today. We flew from Seattle to Ketchikan with our friend John Lindseth on Alaska then grabbed Taquan Air for our float plane flight to Craig. It is a beautiful sunny day and the float plane flight was fantastic.  We were on a Beaver which was built in 1956 – Steve, John and I had to cram into the back bench seat that I think was designed for 2  people  but it was a spectacular flight over to Craig.  We grabbed a few groceries and left Craig to meet up with the others at bay across from Klawock just North of Craig.  We will not be back at a store until around June 30th when we get to Sitka.

We had a group dinner at the Fireweed Lodge which is always fun. Seafood combo with Halibut, Salmon and Shrimp is always great and someone else to do all the cleanup and dishes! John Lindseth has joined us on our boat for 10 days and Tom Miner has joined Glen and Liz on their boat so we now have 8 people. 

On Fathers Day we headed over to Warren Island which is west of Kosciusko Islands. I don’t recommend this anchorage at all – too much rocking and rolling all night and the crossing over to here was terrible since there we big rollers coming off the Gulf. We did have a fun beach walk and also a great whale show from a Humpback that was feeding in the bay.  

 From there we went to Port Malmesbury and on to Bay of Pillars. We have done some fishing and the fishermen have caught several Kings, Pinks, small halibut, Black Rockfish and Ling Cod so we have been having fish for dinner which is great. Unfortunately John lost his New (5 days old) IPhone 12 overboard when we were coming back to the boat after fishing.  It is 42 feet deep and no way to retrieve it but lucky for him he purchased the insurance for Loss!

June 23 we headed to Gut Bay on Baranof Island for two nights. We did more fishing and also tucking out of the bad weather and winds that are projected for the new few days. We caught another Salmon and many Black Rockfish.  This bay is one of the most spectacular, scenic bays we have ever seen.  High rock hills, snow and many waterfalls! A beautiful place to stop.

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