Saturday 22 May 2021

Alaska 2021- May 20-21

April 2021 – May 20 – 21


We dropped anchor in Petes bight and spent the night at anchor.  It was a beautiful warm afternoon on May 20 and Steve, Glen and I played cribbage on the back deck of Nelsea.  This was also our first night for Crab dinner!  Thanks to Glen and Dave who caught crab the night before we returned to Ketchikan we were able to cook fresh crab.

May 21 the weather had changed so we decided to go to Old Kasaan before the rains start.  Old Kasaan is the site of an old Indian Village that has remnants of Totem Poles, Longhouse poles and also gravestones. We had our first bear siting on the beach where we were landing to go ashore and there was lots of evidence of bears on the trail along the water where the ruins are located.

We left Old Kasaan and took a ride around Kasaan Bay where we had another bear siting.  This time we were able to get pictures.


On the way back to the boats we stopped at a site of an old logging operation with a few cabins and equipment left behind that is being reclaimed by the woods.

Next stop is the boats and dinner.  It has definitely gotten colder as the day has gone on (52 degrees)  so it is an afternoon inside the boats instead of on the back deck like yesterday

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