Wednesday 9 June 2021

Alaska 2021 - June 4 - June 6


Alaska 2021 – June 4 - 6


We woke up to another very wet overcast day.  We headed over to Soda Bay and this is the scenery on the way over – beautiful even when its damp and cold. Everything is so immense here compared to the waters we normally cruise closer to home. Steve likes to call it Desolation or the Salish Sea on steroids – it is really hard to describe and we love each trip when we are able to experience more areas in Alaska even if the weather is ugly!

We woke up to more rain but it looks like we might get a break to go ashore and try to find what the book describes as “site of numerous carbonated water springs (Hence the name Soda Bay?) – they describe it as “pleasant taste” and range in temperature from 48 degrees to 70 degrees. We found several areas of bubbling water springs but we did not find them to be “pleasant taste” – they were full of Iron in most spots and we never did find anything close to 70 degrees but it was a fun morning on land exploring.

The Skunk Cabbage was huge all thru this area and you can see from the pictures how much Iron is in the area. The picture below shows one of the many small springs bubbling up in the ground. They make mounds of mineral deposits as the gas infused water bubbles to the surface.

Those of you that know Liz and Glen will understand why Liz is dressed for rainy cold weather yet Glen is dressed for Summer.  The rest of us dressed like Liz but Glen was determined that it was not going to rain and it did not! At least he was wearing his rain hat just in case!


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