Thursday 3 June 2021

Alaska 2021 - May 27 - 28


April 2021 - May 27 - May 28

We left Tah Island and headed for Kassa Inlet. The ride over was nice and we ended up with enough sun in the afternoon to wear shorts instead of fleece pants.  Liz even managed to get a sunburn on one side of her face.

Not the same weather when we woke up to the next day – cold, cloudy and another fleece day! The guys had put out crab pots and shrimp pots but only left the shrimp pots out since we kept seeing sea otters.  We ended up getting some Shrimp in the pots.  Good thing we had the correct licenses because we had a visit from the State of Alaska Troopers boat. They were very nice and helpful – out of Ketchikan and they saw our Shrimp pots so they knew we were there. In Alaska you have to purchase your fishing license which includes crab but there is a separate Shrimp license that is free and available online. Luckily Glen was reading the fishing guide and realized we needed an additional shrimp license so we all had them which was great! 

We went for a tour of Kassa Inlet in the Grady after lunch and spotted Bear again.  This one let us get really close before he scampered into the woods.

Beautiful Scenery around Kassa Bay even on a cloudy cold day.  There are lots of rocks to watch out for on the tour.

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