Saturday 15 May 2021

Alaska 2021 - May 13 -14

 Alaska 2021 – May 13-14

     We left Ketchikan for 2 nights in Naha Bay which was a 22 mile cruise up around Revillagigedo Island.  Naha Bay is a beautiful bay that has a State Park float and the Naha River trail that goes around Roosevelt Lake.  The hike is a round trip 4.8 mile hike along a combination of trails, boardwalk, mud and roots that leads to Orton Ranch which is a Baptist Church Camp. The trail had some challenges today with all the rain and downed trees from the past winter.  It looks like they are doing some work to fix the trail but it was quite a challenging scramble in some places along the trail.


Roosevelt Lake spills over into Naha Bay with a small set of rapids but at a high tide you can take the small boats into the lake which the guys did after our hike. The picture shows it at about a 2 ft drop – it is about 4 feet at low tide.

In addition to the public float, Naha Bay also has a public ramp built from the Bay side to the Lake side that is used to haul kayaks over to the lake.



We have seen Bear in Naha bay on past trips but this time we only saw evidence that they are around. Skunk Cabbage pulled out and bear tracks along the trail.  We keep watching for our first bear sighting this trip which should happen soon!  Also the first Shrimp of the trip were caught by Glen just outside of Naha Bay.  No crab but we know we will get some soon. We had another great dinner on the Nelsea including Shrimp and a yummy lemon chicken dinner prepared by Jane and Dave.  We have had group dinners every night which is a lot of fun and easy since we have the 3 boats anchored together.



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