Tuesday 11 May 2021

Alaska 2021 - May 11

Alaska 2021 – May 11

     We left Dundas for Ketchikan at 8am.  We only had a 5 ½ hour cruise covering 52 miles for today – our shortest leg yet since we left on the trip.  The Dixon Entrance was very flat today so we had a good, easy crossing – no rain just heavy overcast again.  Steve and I cleared customs using CHP Roam and Nexus, filled up with 605 gallons of fuel and headed with the others to the City Dock.  We are going to celebrate Liz’s birthday at Annabelles in Ketchikan for dinner – our first day off the boat since May 3!

     We made fantastic time and other than the rain and overcast skies it was a great cruise up to Alaska. Our plan is to stay here tonight and get a few more provisions tomorrow morning including fishing licenses. We are going to leave Ketchikan tomorrow and play around for the next 4 days until it is time for Steve and I to come back to Ketchikan and fly home on Sunday for a couple of days. 

1 comment:

  1. So fun following your trip! Next year we’ll go where you go!

    Love, Linda
