Monday 10 May 2021

Alaska 2021 - May 9


Alaska 2021 – May 9 Mother’s Day

     Happy Mother’s day to all the Moms reading this blog!  Today we cruised up Graham Reach past Khutze Inlet. We went thru Fraser Reach, McKay Reach, Wright Sound then Grenville Channel to reach our destination for tonight of Lowe Inlet which was about 60 miles north of lasts nights stop in Horsefly Cove. We have stayed at Lowe Inlet on prior trips and the Nettle Basin and Verney Falls are the highlight. The Kumowdah River flows into Nettle Basin over Verney Falls and drains Lowe Lake. At a low tide Verney Falls will double in height which leads to some great pictures. It started as  another overcast day but much brighter and no rain-we actually saw glimpses of the sun on the journey but we are back in the heavy overcast now!

     On the journey we went past Butedale which is the site of a former cannery. The buildings are in ruins, but the waterfall is still spectacular.

     This is a beautiful cruise with high hills surrounding us and many waterfalls to enjoy. There is still quite a bit of snow in some of the hills.



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