Thursday 12 August 2021

Alaska 2021 - August 2-August 10


Alaska 2021 – August 2 – August 10, 2021

Steve and I flew home for a few days from Petersburg. When I got home I went and had a Xray of my right wrist. I hurt it when a cruise ship went by our boats early in the morning on July 22 and unfortunately we were broadside to their waves in the bay where  we were anchored. It was the first Cruise ship in Alaska since Covid! Our Stern line broke between Glen and our boat so we were hurrying to the back to get another line on when I fell and hit my hand on the ice chest. It is broken so I now have a cast but the good news is I am back in Alaska on the boat and learning to do more with my left hand!  Our son Tyler flew back up with us and was a great help until he flew out of Ketchikan on the 9th. While Tyler was with us, we went from Petersburg to Steamer Bay, Cannery Point, Meyers Chuck, Naha Bay and then into Ketchikan. Tyler got to see bear, eagles, whales, fish and a fish hatchery at Burnett Inlet. We took a walk around the boardwalk/trails town of Meyers Chuck, explored an old cannery site at Cannery Point and took the boardwalk hike around Lake Roosevelt at Naha. We also went fishing for Coho off of Meyers Chuck and were rewarded with 6 Coho and an awesome fresh Salmon dinner! Thanks for coming Tyler and all your help. We just had our required Covid tests, got fuel, a few supplies and we are headed out of Ketchikan to get closer to Prince Rupert and Canada. We will spend the night in Foggy Bay - our last stop in Alaska. Our hope is to cross tomorrow, weather permitting and start our journey home from Alaska thru Canada.


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