Thursday 19 August 2021

Alaska 2021 - August 11-August 18


Alaska 2021 – August 11- August 18, 2021

We left Foggy Bay this morning with beautiful sunny weather and calm Dixon Entrance water for a 5 hour cruise back into Canada and Prince Rupert. We called into Nexus when we got into Canadian waters and they verified our boat, passengers and ArriveCan information including our Immunization record and a negative Covid 19 test within 72 hours of crossing. They asked us to call back in once we arrived at the Dock in Prince Rupert and they gave us our Custom Clearance number.  It was a very easy organized process and the weather is beautiful today. We met up with Brian and Steve on Tonic – a 52 Ft Offshore and all had happy hour and dinner on the Nelsea as we shared our Alaska adventures!

On Thursday the 12th we left Prince Rupert for our destination of Billy Bay which we reached going down the Ogden Channel across from the native village of Kitkatla. It was very windy in Billy Bay so we went around the corner to an unnamed cove which was quite beautiful. We headed out in Glen’s jet boat for a tour of the area and found former home sites, abandoned sheds, outhouse, lawnmower, motors, stoves, etc along the way. There were also built-up levees on the inlet that seemed to have grassy areas and old abandoned fence posts behind the levee– there is no information about the area in our reference books so we are not sure when they were from or what their purpose was but it is all abandoned at this time.

On the 13th  (Happy Birthday Linda Jung!) we  headed to Hevenor Inlet which we reached via Petrel Channel. Our hope was to find an anchorage with fewer horse flies- we are closer to the Ocean here and it has a cooler breeze but we did not escape the horse flies but we did manage to find a lot of crab! Our next stops were Patterson Inlet and Elthelda Bay in the Estevan Group where we made a jet boat run to the ocean and around the islands.  The weather has changed back to rain and cool so no horseflies which is nice! Happy Birthday to our Son Tyler on August 15th!

Our next stops included Surf Inlet on Princess Royal Island where we found an abandoned power plant and a trail to Bear Lake where we found abandoned trucks, backhoe and equipment for the old mining operation at the end of Bear Lake. We wish there was a way to go across the lake to see the abandoned mine but there was no way to get a boat into the lake and it is 8 miles away.  We also found an interesting drawing on a rock face that was not painted or etched in the stone. We have no idea what material was used in the drawing- just another mystery!  Next was Alston Cove in the Kitasoo Spirit Bear Conservance. We went in search of Spirit Bears but no luck in seeing one and also no luck with Crab or Shrimp – 6 pots out for the three boats and all empty - no signs of salmon or bear either!

Next stop is south of Klemtu so Liz can have phone for a call today and we can all catch up on internet! It is back to rainy and foggy today, August 18.

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