Sunday 2 June 2013

Klu Bay and Shrimp Bay to Naha Bay - May 28 – May 31, 2013

     We arrived at Klu Bay about 5:30 on May 28th and dropped anchor in a beautiful bay tucked up against the hills.  We decided to spend 2 nights in Klu Bay/Shrimp Bay as the books tell us there is usually good crabbing and shrimping and a couple good hikes.  We are hoping to see more bear also as there are several rivers that drop out of the hills with good grassy areas for the bear.

    On the 29th we went on a hike along the orchard lake trail – not sure where the orchard was as the trail was fairly difficult hiking over tree roots, vines, muddy trail and a lot of up and down.  We reached a trail junction and decided to go on to the lake which was about 8/10 of a mile total from where we started.  When we got to the end there was only a rock to stand on next to the lake – no bank of any kind so we decided to go back to the trail junction and continue on to a cabin named Plenty Cutthroat Cabin which is available for rent from the USFS.  It was a beautiful spot that had a forest service boat with oars we could use so we went for a paddle on the lake.  The total hike was just about 3 miles – a great hike with many signs of bear using the trail system – roots pulled out and I even got a good paw print in the mud!  Back to the boats where we were treated to 2 bear on the banks – we took the dinghy’s to get a closer look and got some great pictures of one of them eating the grasses.  He even growled at us as he thought we got to close!

   We pulled our crab and shrimp pots and are going to have a great seafood feast tonight!   Steve caught 5 large crabs and shrimp – along with others catches it is dinner on the Nelsea tonight! After pulling pots, we headed out for our cruise over to Naha Bay which was just a short few hour cruise.  Another great hiking trail was found a Naha Bay.  This one went to a Lagoon above Naha bay called Roosevelt Lagoon.  There is a private church camp called Orton Ranch that we hiked to.  During a high tide the Lagoon could be entered by skiff so 2 of our aluminum fishing boats entered the lake for a short cruise.  On the trail back from Orton Ranch,  Glen, Steve and I could see fresh evidence of Bear and Glen even heard one in the woods as it made its way across the trailhead.  Tom was waiting to pick us up in his Aluminum boat and he saw the bear on the point a few minutes before we came walking out of the trail!   We also met up with a deer in the woods that hid behind a tree and jumped out and nipped at Chris’s dog Sophie!

     By the time we got back to the boats from our hike, the Alaska weather we had expected socked in and it poured the rest of the night – our last one together as the Roche Armada – tomorrow Colliers and us head towards Wrangell for our flight home on Sunday for a week.  The rest of the group are going to play in the waters and bays around Ketchikan for a few days.  Our final meal together of fresh crab, shrimp and side dishes aboard the Nelsea was amazing – what a feast!

   Reflections (Colliers) and the Nelsea said goodbye to everyone and left Naha Bay for Frosty Bay (58 miles) and that will set us up for a 28 mile cruise into Wrangell on Saturday June 1. We fly out for a week at home on Sunday June 2.  We had phone service today so caught up with everyone and was able to wish Amanda a happy birthday today – May 31!

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