Friday 21 June 2013

June 13 - June 14, 2013

Sarkar Cove, Hecita Island, Garcia Cove - June 13 - June 14, 2013

Sarkar Cove is the area where El Capitan Lodge is - a pretty bay but with a few houses, a sailboat at anchor and the lodge around it we did not feel very remote! We decided to have another Taco Feed on the Nelsea which was once again a fun event.  We had 13  people and that is probably about the most we can fit around the table!  We had fish taco's and used some cod that Dean caught - that has been the extent of the fish catching!

We left Sarkar and ended up in another pretty bay off of Hecita Island.  We took the dinghy's back to some shallow bays behind where we anchored and even saw deer swimming across between two islands. Tom managed to get some shrimp again - he is our shrimp catcher(Steve is the crab catcher!) - so dinner tonight is Shrimp fettucine on Reflections.  We were hoping for Salmon but........ maybe soon.

From Hecita Island we went thru some beautiful islands and into Sea Otter Sound where we came upon  a wonderful Whale show.  They were slapping in the water to clear their barnacles and it was amazing.  I am not the best photographer as I get too excited watching them but was able to get a few pictures to share and a video which I will do as soon as we have internet again.

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