Sunday 15 May 2016

May 12 - May 13, 2016

May 12 - May 13, 2016

We left Blunden Harbor to cross Cape Caution headed for Fish Egg Inlet and Joes Bay.  We had our first real mechanical issue of the cruise when Tom and Chris on Miners Debt lost all steering.  They had Auto Pilot on and the boat lost all steering and was turning to the left only.  After many attempts to fix it Tom and Pete tied ropes on the rudders to stop them from turning any direction and Tom had to continue on to Joes Bay using only his engines to control direction.  Luckily the weather was great and there was beautiful scenery to see on our way to Fish Egg Inlet and Joes Bay.  Once we got anchored we took all our dinghys thru to Elizabeth Lagoon which is huge.  We had to access the rapids at high water slack and we could not stay too long or we would not have been able to bring the dinghy's back to the boats.  A great evening in Joes Bay and tomorrow Friday the 13th we head to Shearwater to see if we can get Tom's boat fixed.

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