Tuesday 30 July 2013

July 24 - July 28 Annette Inlet, Garrison Bay, Stuart Island

We left Ovens Island for Annette Inlet which is a favorite anchorage for Steve and I in the Gulf Islands.  We spent our first  night there 29 years ago on our honeymoon and have stopped there thru the years as we are in the Gulf Islands. We were treated to another amazing sunset in our favorite spot!

We left Annette Inlet for Roche Harbor to clear customs back into the US and then we will go anchor in Garrison Bay - Jeff and Tamara are joining us for a few days - they will bring their Grady White and tie up to the Nelsea and the plan is to fish, hike, explore, crab and just hang out for our last few days of summer fun in the San Juan Islands.

 View from Young Hill above Garrison Bay
 The Nelsea is the boat in the middle with the blue kayaks on top.
                                       View from Young Hill above Garrison Bay
                                      Jeff and Tamara

                                   Steve and I on Young Hill

We decided to go touring in Jeff and Tamara's boat and went to Stuart Island - Prevost Harbor where we took the 6 mile round trip hike to Turn Point Lighthouse.  Another beautiful day in the Islands as you can see from the photos.  This is our last day - we head home tomorrow.


                                         Jeff and Tamara

                                         Steve and I

                                        Turn Point Lighthouse from the water.

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