Saturday 20 July 2013

July 16 - July 20 Echo Bay, Lagoon Cove, Thurston Bay, Cortez Island SYC

   We left Echo Bay and travelled for a few hours to Lagoon Cove.  On the ride over we were treated to dolphins playing in our boat wake.

They surfed our wake for about 20 minutes which was a treat.

                          We were treated to another beautiful sunset over Lagoon cove.

  From Lagoon Cove we cruised for 5 hours to Thurston Bay - we can tell we are getting closer to home as we are starting to see more boats.

                              Oops - guess they forgot to check the tide table!

Our anchorage in Thurston Bay before the 5 other boats joined us for the evening!

  We decided we wanted to catch the morning change thru Dent and Yuculta rapids which meant we left Thurston Bay at just after 5:00am.  I actually got some sunrise pictures which is not something I have seen often given a choice!

The last few days of weather have been great again.  We are at the Seattle Yacht club outpost at Cortes Island in Desolation Sound which means we have internet again and will probably have it for the rest of our trip.  Some of the members caught Salmon yesterday so we had a Potluck and shared their Salmon and a lot of wonderful other dishes that people brought.  It reminded us again of all the great dinners we had with the Roche Armada group in Alaska!
 Steve got enough shrimp for a cocktail off of Cortes Island. Here he is pulling his pot - or should I say the dinghy and float are pulling up the pot!

Steve is going to fish today and we will probably spend one more night here at Cortes.  We are meeting Allen and Sue and Jeff and Tamara next week in the Gulf Islands  so we will probably head to Garden Bay tomorrow and plan to cross the Strait of Georgia in the next few days.

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