Sunday 12 June 2022

Canada June 4 - June 12, 2022


Canada Cruising June 4 – June 12, 2022

 June 4 –We woke up in Port McNeil and spent the morning at the Farmers market and also a logging show that were right at the head of the marina.  The logging event is a competition that is put on once a year and it was fun to see so many young people participating. It went all day but we only had a few hours in the morning before we needed to leave for Blunden Harbor.  It was cold and rainy by the time we left the docks and from what we have read it will be this way for the next week.  When we got to Blunden we put our Crab Pots out and spent the afternoon installing Fire Stick to SeaLife and getting their DVD player working again.  It is amazing how much StarLink has changed boating for everyone.  We have Iridium so we have had internet and Sat phone available but Magic and SeaLife both have added Starlink which is working amazing for them!

Waiting for the farmers market to open in Port McNeil!

June 5 and June 6 – We left for Nakwakto rapids area but the water was pretty good so the decision was made to continue on around Cape Caution.  The water was very choppy with wind chop but not a bad crossing and we arrived at Takush Harbor where we will spend two nights due to the winds.  We tried crabbing and shrimping here but no luck for anyone. It has rained hard over the last few days and the guys are doing boat projects indoors along with a two hour cruise around the area in Glen’s Jet boat and we finally saw our first bear!

                                                              Cape Caution

 June 7 –8   We woke up to a beautiful day of Sunshine for our cruise up towards Calvert Island and our next stop. We went to Adams Harbor and spent the afternoon exploring the beautiful white sand beaches around the Harbor.  Before dinner the guys decided we needed to move to a different anchorage before the predicted winds hit so we moved to Bremner Bay in Kildidt Sound. We ended the evening with our first Taco Tuesday of the trip on Nelsea! We ended up staying in Bremner Bay due to high winds and waves.

Magic Moment


June 9 -10  We had a break in the weather and we moved the boats to the Hurricane Islands- we  knew bad weather was coming and that we would be in Hurricane Islands for a few days  as the weather deteriorated from Gale Force to Storm Force warnings.  Gale force are winds from 34K to 47k while Storm force winds are from 48 knots to 63 knots.   We were well protected but even in our bay we had winds in the 20’s. We celebrated Glen and Liz's 44th Anniversary with dinner and cake on the Nelsea! Happy Anniversary!!


June 11- The weather has changed enough for us to move further inland and we stayed at a bay in the Rait Narrows for the night. It was nice to move further inland out of the winds that we had on the coast.

Our lineup is Bidarka, Nelsea, SeaLife, Magic Moment and Miner's Debt

June 12 – We moved towards Shearwater across the Seaforth Channel to Raven Bay. We saw our first cruise ship of the trip - The Disney Wonder.  The guys have put out Shrimp pots and Crab pots again since we are no longer on the ocean so we are hoping for more seafood!

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