Sunday 14 August 2016

August 12 - August 14, 2016

August 12 – August 14, 2016

We left Meyers Chuck on Friday August 12 – a beautiful sunny day for our cruise into Ketchikan.  We explored the city with Ellen, Mike and Josh before it was time for Ellen and Mike’s flight back to Seattle on Saturday August 13th.  We have had quite a bit of rain since we came back from Cooperstown at the end of July but it was fun to go thru the city again, including a stop at Artic Bar for a Burger Queen lunch before Ellen and Mike left for the airport and home.

Saturday the 13th was Linda Jung’s birthday so we went to Annabelle’s for dinner – Matheson’s, Jungs, Timms and us.  It continues to rain and the plan is for Chris and Josh to fly out on Tuesday August 16 for Seattle.  Miners Debt and Nelsea hope to cross Dixon Entrance into Prince Rupert, Canada for the start of our return trip home.  It’s hard to believe it’s time to head home already!!!!!

It is raining today (14th) so we are spending the day catching up on the boat and getting provisioned for the trip home.  After dinner at Annabelle’s last night, Josh went out on the town to the Potlatch in Ketchikan with Brian from Sea Jay so he was happy to have a morning to catch up on sleep!  We were hoping to go on a flight thru Misty Fjords but the flights are grounded due to bad weather.  We will try to go tomorrow for his last day in Alaska.  It has been a blast having him on the boat!!

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