Saturday 18 May 2013

Nelsea Adventures May 17 – May 18th

   We arrived to Codville Lagoon just in time for the rain to start.   We now have 5 boats in the RHYC Armada as Rendevous went into Shearwater for boat issues.  They are heading on to Ketchikan to have the repairs made as getting parts to Shearwater was going to take quite awhile.

     Most of us decided to do the hike/walk to Sagar Lake and left about 4:00. We walked thru the woods parts on a boardwalk, the rest thru the woods over vines and trees. Very muddy so we were glad we worn our rainboots!  It was about 1/2 mile to the lake but well worth the hike – a beautiful lake and it stopped raining momentarily just as we got there.  Sandy beach, peaceful and serene.  Back to the boats and dinner of salmon and tuna - then to Glen and Liz’s boat for the evening showing of The Life of Pi.

     Today it is pouring rain, heavy overcast and completely socked in.  We are off to Shearwater thru Lama Pass.  We will cruise for about 2 hours today then explore Shearwater.   

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