Saturday 18 May 2013

Nelsea Adventures May 15- May 17th

   We left Port McNeill on May 15th at 4:00 in the afternoon after several boat issues with other boats travelling with us from the RHYC Armada. The Nelsea is doing great – a few issues but nothing to hinder our trip.  It probably worked out for the best that some of us got a later start as the winds started to subside by the time Miner’s,  Mehlum’s and the Nelsea left the dock. The other 3 boats left a few hours before us and had a fairly bumpy ride.    

   We cruised up the rest of Vancouver Island, took a ride thru Coletas Channel  to Hope Island which is right across from the North End of Vancouver Island. We finally anchored at about 8:30.  We paired up – two boats to an anchor so Chris and Tom tied up to our boat, Collier’s and Mehlums, and Dodge and Jung.   We were well protected in Bull Harbor and got up the next morning with a 7:00am departure time to cross Queen Charlotte straits.  It was a calm morning, no wind but fog rolled in just before our departure time.  We all left with radar and at times the visibility was less than ¼ mile but by the time we reached Cape Caution(25 miles approx- 2 ½ hours – yes we go slow!) we broke out of the fog and it was a beautiful day. We travelled for about 6 hours thru Klaquaek Channel and ended up in Adams Harbor on Calvert Island.

     We spent the afternoon of May 16th exploring the beautiful West beach on the Pacific Ocean. We took our dinghy’s from Adams Harbor down to Pruth Bay which is at the western end of Kwakshua Channel.  The Hakai Institute has a beautiful facility there where you can tie up your dinghy’s and walk on a trail for about a ½ mile to the West Beach which is stunning. Beautiful white sand, surf rolling in with small islands off the beach and the sun decided to come out during our time on the beach.  Then back to the boats where we had fresh clams, Nat’s oysters, smoked salmon and fun company on the Collier’s boat – Reflections.

   This morning the fleet left Adams Harbor for Codville Lagoon on King Island with a stop in Namu.  It used to be a cannery facility but BC Packers walked away from Namu in the 80’s leaving everything behind.  Trucks,  fork lifts, equipment, a fully stocked store.  The entire place is falling down now.  It has been for sale for over 20 years but must be an environmental nightmare. There are caretakers living there but basically tell you to walk around at your own risk.  Buildings caving in, dock falling apart. 

We left Namu for Codville  Lagoon about 1:30 – we are cruising for about 3 hours total today(approx 26 miles) thru the Fitzhugh Sound.   

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