Thursday 28 July 2016

July 1 - July 16, 2016

July 1 – July 15th, 2016   Sitka to Elfin Cove


We have had a very busy two weeks that started off going to Sitka where we spent a night anchored off an island by a house the Colliers rented after they left us last week – we joined them for cocktails and appetizers one evening.  We were glad we anchored there as Tom was about 20 miles Northwest in a bay that was rocked all night by major winds.  We had a quiet anchorage just south of Sitka! Sea Life had guests join them and we had the first accident of the trip with Val breaking her arm – they patched her up at the ER in Sitka after Steve and Glen drove her back to the hospital late one evening. We call these boat bites but they usually don’t involve hospitals! We went back to Sitka, picked up fuel, supplies and had a dinner in town at a hotel with everyone. We stayed in Sitka for a night with Jeff and Tamara who joined us for the Fireworks display in Sitka Harbor and a week of fishing around the  area where we caught our first Salmon, Ling Cod and Yellow Eye of the trip- several days of fishing and boating for all – fun, fun, fun.

After a week of fishing it was back to Sitka to say goodbye to Jeff and Tamara and pick up John, Elise, Robin and Jayne for more fishing and travelling from Sitka up the outside on the Gulf of Alaska.  We spent a couple nights with the group then left with Chris and Tom ( Miners Deb) so  we could get to Hoonah by the 17th for our flight back to Juneau and Seattle.  We spent several days travelling up the coast to Warm Springs Hot springs, Pelican and Elfin Cove. Lots of fishing - Gary caught a 60” halibut that he shared with the group so more great eating.  Jayne, Robyn and John caught their first  Salmon and we did some sightseeing at Pelican. Steve and I celebrated our 32nd Anniversary on the 14th and headed for Elfin cove on the 15th where my part of the trip ended early with a flight from Elfin Cove to Juneau Hospital ER.  I got my ring finger crushed between the rail on the Grady and the rail on the Nelsea - Ouch to say the least.  Elise flew with me to the ER for what we thought would be some stitches and then a return to Elfin Cove but unfortunately my finger was crushed at the tip and the Orthopedic Surgeon in Juneau told me I should fly home and get in to Seattle Hand Specialists.  Elise took a flight back to the boat and I headed out to Seattle at 8pm on Friday the 15th.  Josh picked me up at SeaTac and took me to Swedish  ER so I could get a referral to Seattle Hand for Monday morning – we got to home in Gig Harbor at 5:15 am – a long day but definitely a good idea for me to fly home.  I ended up seeing the Doctor at Seattle Hand first thing Monday morning and got the ok to travel to Ken Griffey Jr. induction in the Hall of Fame next weekend which is the reason we were flying home on the 18th from Juneau anyhow so it worked out well for me to come back a few days ahead of Steve.

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