Tuesday 14 June 2016

June 14, 2016

June 12 - June 14, 2016

We are leaving Craig today once we pick up the Nat and Linda Collier at the float plane dock.  Our plan is to play around in the Craig/Sitka area for the next two weeks for fishing, crabbing, exploring old mines, etc so no posts for awhile.  We have had a great time in town - Eating a celebration dinner at the Fireweed Lodge in Klawock for Gary's 75th - celebrating anniversaries and tomorrow is Glen's birthday but it is time to go Fishing! Next post will probably be around the end of June in Sitka unless we stumble across internet connection along the way - remember back to a time when you had to access internet by dialup not 3G/4G - we have 1x connection here in Craig so it is very very slow and hard to post!

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