Tuesday 6 August 2024

July 30 - August 6, 2024

 July 30 - August 6

     We left Red Bluff Bay for Lord's Pocket followed by Merrifield Bay, West Island, Cannery Point, Tolstoi Bay then into Ketchikan and I am happy to say that we finally have summer.  We have had some beautiful sunny days which has brightened everyone's spirit.

     We went to Kake from Lord's Pocket in the small boats.  We walked thru town and found many black bears in the river catching Salmon. We went fishing again and Steve caught more Salmon for me to try to find room in our very full freezers! We also toured the Burnett hatchery again from Cannery Point. It was fun to tour with John who has been in the industry for 45 years and shared many many interesting facts about fish hatcheries in Alaska. He also has a unique hobby - he takes fish heads and dries and paints them and mounts them on wood plaques.  He did not have any that were completed with coyote eyes but here are a few of them so you can get the idea.  Not sure I want one to hang on my wall but apparently he sells lots of them.  He spends the quiet winter months at the hatchery making them since he lives there year round.

    After Cannery Cove we went to Tolstoi bay - a very lumpy ride but sunny! We took Martha out fishing for the first time - she had a nice sized salmon to the boat but lost it about 10 feet out - her next fish was a little small but we had fun anyhow and Steve brought home another salmon.

   We left Tolstoi Bay for Ketchikan where we filled up on fuel and some groceries for the trip home.  We went to dinner at Ocean View which is a Mexican/Italian restaurant that we have eaten at in the past and it was once again very good - wonderful blended Margarita's!  Now its off to our last stop in Alaska - Foggy Bay - tomorrow we head into Canada.  We have been travelling to Foggy Bay in the Fog using radar.